

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy

Do you often find yourself experiencing any of the following?

• Chronic or excessive anger, sadness
• Shame, guilt, self-consciousness
• Indecisiveness, difficulty concentrating
• Worry, anxiety, obsessive thinking
• Unpleasant feelings, mood swings
• Negativity, pessimism, irritability
• Self-defeating behaviors
• Painful relationships
• Negative self-talk

EMDR therapy may help identify, process and heal from the adverse life experiences that continue to impact you today. EMDR therapy is an accelerated form of psychotherapy that uses bilateral stimulation, which facilitates the clearing of channels of information in your mind that has been blocked by adverse life experiences. Once these channels are unblocked you will experience emotional relief, as well as a more adaptive, healthy view of yourself and the world.

Therapeutic Approach:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

EMDR is the primary therapeutic approach I use in my practice. EMDR is an accelerated therapeutic approach that helps you heal from adverse life experiences from your past, adverse issues you may currently be dealing with, and with anticipatory future disturbing events. Adverse life experiences can impact beliefs about self, others, and the world in general. Frequently, these beliefs affect our mood, behavior, and relationships daily in a ubiquitous manner. Through dual attention stimulation (e.g., eye movements or tapping) which involves repetitive redirecting of attention a neurobiological state that supports an adaptive information processing of healing is unblocked and enhanced allowing you to process blocked adverse issues in a productive logical manner that promotes your well-being and lessens your visceral response to the disturbing life experience. Because EMDR therapy is an evidenced-based accelerated therapeutic approach, most individuals will reap maximum therapeutic benefits within 8 to 10 sessions and in some cases even less depending on the presenting issue.

EMDR therapy is helpful in healing and growing from adverse life experiences (e.g., traumatic events such as physical and sexual assaults, loss of a loved one, serious accident, life-threatening illness, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and war-and combat related incidents, etc.), as well as for healing and growing from disturbing life events (e.g., issues that have accumulated from childhood, emotional abuse and neglect, betrayals, rejections, disparaging remarks, divorce, loss of employment, constant criticism, persistent physical illness, unresolved guilt, etc.). If these issues are left unaddressed, often times this leads to experiencing anxious and depressive states, as well as engaging in self-defeating behaviors. EMDR provides an effective accelerated therapy for healing and growing allowing us to live to our fullest potential.